Rapide is not the first adjective which I would employ for a Vespa. Traditional? Naturally. Adorable? Really. But with its new superb GTS 300, the Vespa provided a bicycle which doubles like can of the hooting ESA
One more directed towards the performance, version of high-displacement of the model of intermediate size bestselling of the Italian manufacturer -- the GTS 250 -- the 300 superb ones can look at as inoffensive nice crunching as the six others scoots in the line of the United States of the Vespa 2009. But this aspect misleads certainly. The dissimulation under the steel unibody sugar refinery-coloured of this mini-is maxis scooters is a simple cylinder of 278 DC which can only be described like couples there.
Like all Vespas, the GTS Super demands good posture from its riders, who must sit up straight and tall. Its piping-trimmed saddle is relatively high altitude, measuring 31.1 inches from seat to pavement, so only leggy Italian model types can flatfoot it at a stop. At least the seat is contoured to help the vertically challenged. It narrows toward the front, so if riders scooch closer to the controls, their heels stand a better chance of making contact with the asphalt.
Their feet will want to be there only temporarily anyway. Well mannered, even prim in appearance, the Super is anything but in its true countenance. Rev it up and roll on the throttle. The Vespa GTS 300 Super is more than ready. And that is a very welcome surprise.

One more directed towards the performance, version of high-displacement of the model of intermediate size bestselling of the Italian manufacturer -- the GTS 250 -- the 300 superb ones can look at as inoffensive nice crunching as the six others scoots in the line of the United States of the Vespa 2009. But this aspect misleads certainly. The dissimulation under the steel unibody sugar refinery-coloured of this mini-is maxis scooters is a simple cylinder of 278 DC which can only be described like couples there.
Like all Vespas, the GTS Super demands good posture from its riders, who must sit up straight and tall. Its piping-trimmed saddle is relatively high altitude, measuring 31.1 inches from seat to pavement, so only leggy Italian model types can flatfoot it at a stop. At least the seat is contoured to help the vertically challenged. It narrows toward the front, so if riders scooch closer to the controls, their heels stand a better chance of making contact with the asphalt.
Their feet will want to be there only temporarily anyway. Well mannered, even prim in appearance, the Super is anything but in its true countenance. Rev it up and roll on the throttle. The Vespa GTS 300 Super is more than ready. And that is a very welcome surprise.